Competencies acquired by the university student during a service learning proposal in physical education base don critical incidents
classroom management, competencies, initial training, Service-Learning, critical incidents, Physical EducationAbstract
Classroom management (CM) is one of the most significant challenges that teachers face in their initial training. To achieve effective teaching, it is essential for teachers to acquire competencies in this area. For this reason, the present study aims to analyze the competencies acquired by university students in classroom management through the analysis of critical incidents generated during their training. Our study was conducted within a Service-Learning program implemented in the Primary Education degree, specifically in the Physical Education subject of the Faculty of Education Sciences. The analysis was carried out using a qualitative methodology, which allowed for an in-depth understanding of the competencies developed by the students. The results obtained revealed that the competencies acquired in classroom management are diverse and encompass different aspects. In conclusion, this study highlights the importance of including classroom management as an integral part of initial teacher training. The competencies acquired in this area are crucial for achieving effective teaching and fostering a positive learning environment for students. The results suggest that the analysis of critical incidents can be a valuable tool for evaluating and improving these competencies in future teachers.
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