Impact of the physical education class on schoolchildren diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders in a Special School in Chile




Physical education, Motor development, Nutritional condition, Special education, Autism


In children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), the practice of physical activity in the school context (physical education class) is a viable strategy to improve physical fitness and motor skills, combat overweight and obesity and reduce inappropriate behaviors. The objective of this research was to evaluate the impact of a 12-week multimodal intervention in the Physical Education class on the motor performance and nutritional status of students from a Special School in Copiapó. The research corresponds to a quantitative approach, with a quasi-experimental design without a control group. Twelve students diagnosed with ASD (9 males and 3 females), whose age was 12.91±1.12 years, participated. The students participated in a multimodal program with a frequency of two sessions per week. The 6-minute walk test, horizontal jump without impulse, MABC-2 test, manual grip strength, weight, height and Body Mass Index (BMI) were used. According to the results it is not possible to modify the nutritional status of the students, significant improvements are achieved in the general scalar score of the MABC-2 Battery; horizontal jump test without running and 6-minute walk test. In conclusion, a 12-week multimodal intervention in the physical education class in a special education establishment did not manage to decrease the levels of excess malnutrition, on the other hand, relevant effects on physical fitness were achieved, being a type of intervention with high possibilities of being replicated in similar contexts.

Keywords: Physical education; Motor development; Nutritional condition; Special education; Autism


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How to Cite

Vallejos Meriño, C., Gómez Álvarez, N., & Campos Campos, K. I. (2024). Impact of the physical education class on schoolchildren diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders in a Special School in Chile. Retos, 52, 499–508.



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