Qatar 2022 World Cup Scorer Analysis


  • Ardo Okilanda Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Vega Soniawan Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Roma Irawan Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Ikhwanul Arifan Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Robiatun Batubara Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Abdur Rohim Fadlan Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Ibnu Andli Marta Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Singha Tulyakul Taksin University
  • Silvio Crisari National Team Norway Coach
  • Mottakin Ahmed Government College Silwani
  • Baharuddin Hasan Universitas Cenderawasih



World Cup, Goal scorer's limbs, Goal scorer's age, Goal 90 minutes


Football is the most famous place in the whole world; millions of people want to watch the great match of world football, the FIFA World Cup 2022, especially after two limited years without spectators due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the study was to compare (the limbs that scored the most goals with the right and left feet, goals with the head, and penalty kicks. Age of goal scorers <30 and > 30 years. Goals that occurred inside the penalty box and outside the penalty box. First-half and second-half goals. Analysis of goal creation in 2022 World Cup matched with a total of (n=64) matches with a total of 166 goals and 2 own goals in 90 minutes of normal time, 4 goals in additional time 2x15 minutes (average=2.68 goals per game). The analysis was carried out by hand notation. The analysis of goal scorers categorized by age groups indicated that players below the age of 30 accounted for 30.95% of the overall goals, whereas those above the age of 30 provided 41.66%. Notable patterns included the significant utilization of the right foot (41.66%) and major involvement of the left foot (30.95%). In addition, goals scored using the upper limbs or head made up 16.67% of the total, while penalty goals represented 9.52%. Then goals were scored by players aged <30 years 110 (66.3%) and goals from players aged 56 (33.7%). In the first half, goals were created 67 (39.88%), and in the second half, 101 (60.11%). There were 153 (91.07%) goals scored in the penalty box and 13 (7.73%) outside the penalty box. The golden age of footballers was still very real in contributing to the creation of goals in the World Cup; it was evident that 2/3 of the World Cup goals were created by players under 30 years old. In today's modern football, scoring goals with the right or left foot is comparable to the program implemented by the coach that requires every player to use both feet in any situation. Among all the goals scored, about 3.72% were accomplished with the right foot, which made a notable contribution to the total number of goals. Goals scored with the left foot constituted approximately 2.77% of the total, demonstrating the adeptness of players in utilizing both feet proficiently in scoring goals. Head strikes, was accounting for around 1.49% of all goals, highlight the significance of aerial skills and accuracy in scoring. Penalty kicks, a unique indicated of scoring goals, accounted for around 0.85% of the total goals, emphasizing the strategic importance of set-piece scenarios in a team's overall success.

Keywords: World Cup, Goal scorer's limbs, Goal scorer's age, Goal 90 minutes

Author Biography

Ibnu Andli Marta, Universitas Negeri Padang

Him Lecture in physical education Universitas Negeri Padang


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How to Cite

Okilanda, A. ., Soniawan, V., Irawan, R., Arifan, I., Batubara, R., Fadlan, A. R., Marta, I. A., Tulyakul, S., Crisari, S., Ahmed, M., & Hasan, B. (2024). Qatar 2022 World Cup Scorer Analysis. Retos, 54, 10–17.



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