Type of recess and its influence on girls physical activity levels
physical education, girls, MVPA, physical activity, recess.Abstract
The purpose in this study is to describe the physical activity levels (PA) in primary school female students during four different types of recess: free, with sports equipment, with organized games and with music. Sample consisted of 20 girls (10.6 ± 0.70 mean age) from a Primary Education School in Region of Murcia (Spain). The data collection ocurred during 32 recesses. 8 sessions of each type of recess were observed and analyzed with the iSOPARC app, which structures the activity in three levels: sedentary, walking and vigorous. Results show medium-low levels of PA during breaks, being the free type the ones that reach the highest sedentary level values (39.79 ± 5.38%) while the organized ones obtain the lowest sedentary value (6.89 ± 2.56%). Regarding the vigorous level, the breaks in which music was used are the ones with the highest percentage (51.36 ± 12.55%). After applying the Mann Whitney U statistic, it is shown how the type of recess exerted a significant influence on the results (p = 0.000) in all cases. Conclusions. The recesses in which music is used, activities and games were planned and sports equipment are used achieve higher PA values at a vigorous level and less sedentary lifestyle.
Keywords: physical education, MVPA, physical activity, recess.
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