The digital divide in population at risk of social exclusion
Access digital divide, usage digital divide, e-inclusion, social vulnerabilityAbstract
Face-to-face interactions in the different spheres of social and personal relationships of the ICTs have been replaced by digital communication through networks. In this context addressing the problems linked with the digital divide in vulnerable populations can be relevant. This gap is shown not only in the access to technological devices, but also in the competences derived from their usage and usefulness. This study describes this divide in an especially vulnerable social group. The construction and the validity data of the measurement instrument Valora 1001, designed the expert group of the Social Inclusion Observatory of León City, are exposed. The information from a sample of 1.125 people in situation of social vulnerability was analysed. The results, when compared to the reference values at a regional and national level, showed the existence of a significant digital divide, placing this population group at risk of social exclusion dealing with access (availability of technological resources and access to the Internet) as much as usage (use for job search and administrative procedures). The solution to this deep social inequality demands the implementation of active policies that promote the acquisition of resources and infrastructures, but also which motivate and educate the citizens in their use and appropriation. It should be necessary for the involved administrations to take specific actions, by carrying out workshops and courses to train these technological tools. Some of the organized by Leon Council following the results of this study are described
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