Readings of the multiplicity: for the articulation of the right to reading from the relational perspective




reading, critical literacy, inclusive, multiplicity of difference, social justice


The purpose of this paper is the detailed analysis of the field of knowledge of reading education, understood as a field that displays its actions in the complex and in the production of multiplicity. The critical task facing reading from socio-political perspectives lies in the unveiling of new intellectual and methodological ways that interrogate the ways of thinking, experimenting and practicing reading education through the concretion of educational tactics and strategies that help to mobilize new rationalities in the problematization of literacy, schooling and the construction of citizenship. Therefore, the relational thinking is key in the design of reading policies and programs of animation of reading habits, since it explores the ways of acting of the structures of culture, socialization and their devices of drag to the margins of the so-called right to reading.


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