Maintaining changes in an evidence-based family prevention program. A longitudinal study of families
family prevention, evidence-based prevention programmes, family education, Cox regression, longitudinal follow-upAbstract
The purpose of this research is to know if the changes obtained in the family competence, by participating in the Family Competence Program, remain the same after two years of the end of the program. Methods of survival analysis are an important instrument in the follow-up studies. In our 24-month follow-up research, the “family competence” aggregated effect is expected to last along the two years for an important amount of the participant families in the Family Competence Program (FCP, Spanish adaptation of SFP). We would like to know how different key components of the program influence on the factor “family competence”. This variable is understood as an aggregation of protection factors that have been significant in family selective prevention research. Family competence is understood as a complex factor based on a positive family dynamic. Conjoint analyses. Sample: 155 families at risk. Evaluation of family results, using Spanish validated instruments (BASC and Kumpfer’s family competence questionnaries). Design is cuasi-experimental, with control group and rigorous control of potential biases. 155 families were followed up along 24 months, with a longitudinal analysis initiated in the beginning of the Family Competence program sessions. Cox regression is used since it allows seeing the influence of the predictors in the presence or absence of a positive event (in our case the presence of family competence). The aggregated analysis, based on Cox’s regression, offers satisfactory results of family competence of 24-month duration (after finalisation of FCP).
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