Proposals for the development of interculturality in educational programmes carried out during leisure time and with a community approach in Catalonia


  • Edgar Iglesias-Vidal Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), Grupo de Investigación ERDISC
  • Berta Espona-Barcons Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), Grupo de Investigación ERDISC



Education, leisure time, intercultural programs, segregation, educational equity


INTRODUCTION. The educational programmes carried out during leisure time and with a community approach played an important role in the development of social cohe¬sion in Catalonia. In this paper the value of this contribution is recognized, but at the same time, the existence of educational concentration and segregation dynamics is identified as a problem for interculturality. For this reason, some proposals presented here can help these organizations to manage interculturally their projects, for example, reflecting the sociocultur¬al diversity of the community within they are developed. METHOD. The framework of this paper is a research project oriented to contribute to the strengthening of intercultural vision in this context. The goals were: identify organizational and educational conditions which fa¬cilitate or not the development of interculturality; and, make proposals for their sustainability or improvement. Some qualitative technics were used to collect data: documentary analysis, semi-structured interviews and discussion groups. And Atlas-Ti program, as well as, discourse critical analysis procedure were used to analyse the data. RESULTS. The results pointed out that, even though there are advantageous and disadvantageous conditions to interculturality, those that restrict the sociocultural diversity of participants influence more. And it was con¬firmed that educational teams have not developed, or very little, their community dimension. DISCUSSION. On the basis of the results obtained and the literature reviewed is suggested, on one hand, the impulse of some organizational actions oriented to participation, diversity attention and training actions. On the other, it is noted the appropriateness of designing and launching actions, together with the educational community, to manage the existence of over-representation of some sociocultural profiles among participants, and finally, it is pro¬posed the constitution of diversity attention’ community teams to manage interculturality among educational community and oriented to overcome the concentration and segregation educational dynamics.


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Author Biographies

Edgar Iglesias-Vidal , Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), Grupo de Investigación ERDISC

Profesor asociado de la UAB. Graduado en Trabajo Social, Licenciado en Antropología Social y Cultural y Doctor en Pedagogía. Combina docencia en la UAB y proyectos de investigación (EDO-ERDISC) en el ámbito de la educación comunitaria e inclusión, con la educación con jóvenes en contextos educativos no formales (Associació Educativa Integral del Raval). Como actividades recientes destacan la publicación del libro “Educación intercultural en el tiempo libre: acción educativa en tiempos neoliberales” y la realización de una investigación comunitaria comparada entre California y Catalunya, como Visiting Scholar en la Graduate School of Education de la Universtiy of Stanford.

Berta Espona-Barcons , Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), Grupo de Investigación ERDISC

Colaboradora del Grupo de Investigación ERDISC. Licenciada en Pedagogía (2010) y Máster de Investigación en Sociología Aplicada por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (2013). Tiene experiencia profesional como monitora y formadora en educación en el tiempo libre y como técnica en diferentes proyectos comunitarios. Del 2012 al 2014 fue la project manager de la Red de política europea SIRIUS para la educación de niños y jóvenes de origen inmigrante.


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