What do young people think about teen dating violence? A quantitative survey from a cross– cultural perspective





Teen Dating Violence, Social Education, perceptions, cross-cultural, prevention


Teen Dating Violence (TDV) is becoming a matter of growing concern in socio-educational research in Spain. Among the different perspectives, the cross-cultural perspective is the one that is less developed in our context, but not in other contexts such as the Anglo-Saxon one. The aim of this research was to get to know the attitudes and perceptions of a sample of young people from the region of Cuenca (Spain) in relation to the TDV from a cross-cultural perspective and to consider the implications from a social pedagogical point of view. The sample consisted of 394 adolescents from four secondary schools, with a mean age of 15.73 (SD = 1.163), 53.80 % (n = 212) girls and 46.20 % (n = 182) boys.
By means of a survey method, module I of the National Youth Institute of Chile Survey No. 4 was applied. The results show that jealousy and control are predominant attitudes in relation to the TDV. The existence of sexist attitudes is evidenced in adolescent male believers, in those of younger age and Latin Americans. A higher level of acceptance of
the attitude of sexual coercion is also observed in adolescent males and a higher level of acceptance of emotional, verbal, and psychological TDV in them and in Latin American adolescents. It highlights the erroneous belief that control, and jealousy are manifestations of love, especially among younger adolescents. These findings shed light on the complexity of VPA in the province of Cuenca and have significant socioeducational implications. Understanding these attitudes is essential for designing educational interventions that promote healthy relationships and prevent the naturalization of violent behaviours in adolescent couples. A set of proposals regarding the socio-educational intervention in VPA are suggested in the context of the outcomes of this study. 


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Author Biographies

Fátima María López-Garrido , University of Castilla-La Mancha

Bachelor’s degree in Social Education and Master’s in Criminology and Juvenile Delinquency from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), with honors. Social educator at the Hogar San José elderly care facility in Cuenca and member of UCLM’s Consolidated Research Group on Guidance, Quality, and Educational Equity (GRIOCE). Her research focuses on developing soft skills to enhance the employability of social educators, as well as studying methodologies and tools for evidence-based social education interventions. She has published and participated in research projects and international conferences on these topics.

José Sánchez-Santamaría , Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Bachelor’s in Pedagogy from the Universitat de València (UV), Master’s in Social Education from the University of Seville, Advanced Studies Diploma in Cultural Anthropology from the UV, and PhD in Pedagogy from the UCLM. Associate Professor of Educational Equity and Lifelong Learning in the Department of Pedagogy at UCLM. Coordinator of the consolidated research group GRIOCE-UCLM.
His research and transfer work focuses on the promotion of successful educational processes for all. He also fosters the development of transversal competences through a skills gap and upskilling approach, aimed at evidence-informed socio-educational interventions within the Open Science framework. He coordinates research and innovation projects related to the development of micro-credentials, the assessment and accreditation of non-formal and informal learning, and the integration of artificial intelligence from the perspective of academic integrity and research competence in education.
Teacher-collaborator in the Master of Educational Sciences at UABC in Baja California. He also collaborates in teaching and research tasks with UNAM in Mexico, and with UNIR, in the training of teachers in pedagogical competencies for university teaching in Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Honduras, Mexico, and Bolivia. International expert for the Mexican Secretary of Public Education for Justice and Equity in Education, and external expert for the Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute (ACQUIN, Germany) and for the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA, Belgium).


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