Conceptual shifts on adolescents' social participation
School Responsibility, citizen participation, citizenship education, citizenship responsibilities, youth agenciesAbstract
The active and meaningful participation of girls, boys and adolescents in civic and political life is considered essential for their personal development and the construction of local and global citizenship, emphasizing the importance of overcoming, giving them a voice to increase opportunities to influence decision-making. of decisions that affect them and take action. This is a great conceptual shift in terms of social participation of children. This theoretical article defends the importance of legal recognition of the rights and participation of girls, boys and adolescents in society as political subjects. It highlights that educational centers must consider that students, in addition to being in training, are subjects of rights and active citizens who must be recognized and treated as such. Likewise, it is committed to promoting meaningful, defined and led participation with children and adolescents, offering them the opportunity to influence decisions that affect them and take action. However, it is noted that there are still challenges in ensuring that their participation is genuine and high intensity. Education and, consequently, educational centers play a crucial role in the formation of responsible and committed citizens. It is necessary to reimagine practices that make it possible to advance in the conceptual developments of childhood social participation. For this reason, some keys are analyzed and proposed to integrate children in the leadership of participation, as well as five practices are presented that involve them in a collaborative way, promoting their taking sides in the educational center, recognizing them and giving rise to their status as citizenship of the present with rights and responsibilities.
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