Parental bond, school and quality of life related to health in adolescence




Adolescence, HRQOL, family, school, welfare


Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) is a construct that reflects an individual’s subjective assessment of different aspects related to their development. In adolescence, this concept is considered a valid indicator to contemplate the person’s health status, helping to discriminate different levels of physical, psychological and social well-being. Research indicates that the HRQoL of the majority of Spanish adolescents is high, being higher among boys than among girls. There are various factors that have been identified as determining HRQoL in adolescence in recent years (the practice of physical activity, drug use, academic performance, social and family relationships, etc.). This work aims to analyze to what extent the parental bond, satisfaction with life at school and some sociodemographic factors such as sex, age and level of education of the parents, condition the perception that the young person has of their quality of life. This is a cross-sectional study carried out with a total of 423 secondary school students in the city of Salamanca (Spain). The results show differences in HRQoL according to the sex, age and educational level of the parents and, in addition, significant correlations are found between HRQoL and the adolescent’s bond with the father and mother and satisfaction with life. at school. The majority of adolescents report having a high level of care/affection with their father and mother, although they also perceive a high level of overprotection and control. It is proposed to work in the school and family environment to maintain and/or improve the HRQoL of adolescents due to the repercussions for their future health.


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Author Biographies

Raquel M. Guevara Ingelmo , Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

PhD in Human and Social Sciences. Master in Research. Degree in Psychopedagogy. Master's degree in Early Childhood Education and Special Education. Expert in Health Education. Professor in charge of the chair at the Faculty of Education of the UPSA. Teaching in degrees and postgraduate degrees in education and family orientation. His lines of research are education, health and adolescence. She is accredited as a contracted PhD Professor by ANECA and ACSUCYL and has a research period or six-year period. She has numerous publications in scientific journals, communications at international scientific congresses and is the author of various book chapters and the II Municipal Health Plan of the city of Salamanca.

Juan A. Jiménez Eguizábal , Burgos University

PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences. University Professor of the Area of ​​Theory and History of Education at the University of Burgos. Six six-year CNEAI research. He directs the international research group Formadesa specialized in Educational Policy and Planning. Member of the international networks Ociogune and G-21 European Association for Innovation. He has directed cooperative Doctoral Programs at Universities in Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela. He coordinates a Doctorate Program in Educational Policy with a Quality Mention. Author of monographs and articles in impact journals. Research Award from the Social Council of the University of Burgos. He has extensive experience in university management as Vice Chancellor of the University, Secretary of the Commission for the Evaluation of Contracted Teaching Staff of the Agency for the Quality of the Educational System of Castilla y León, evaluator of Aneca and of the Autonomous Quality Agencies of the ACSUG, AGAUR University System. , UNIBASQ and member of the Castilla y León Autonomous School Council.

José D. Urchaga Litago , International University of La Rioja

PhD in Psychology. Master in Multivariate Statistics. Graduate in Psychology. Joint Professor doctor at the International University of La Rioja. Specialized in methodology and statistics applied to the social sciences. He teaches Psychology, Methodology and Statistics in the Degrees of Journalism, Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Public Relations and Marketing and Communication in the Faculty of Communication and in the Master's Degree in Family Guidance and Mediation. He is accredited as a Contracted Doctor Professor and has a six-year period of research. He belongs to two research teams. His main lines of research are health and adolescence, quality of life in the elderly, psychology and religion. He has numerous publications in scientific journals, presentations and communications at national and international scientific congresses.

Antonio Sánchez Cabaco , Pontifical University of Salamanca

PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences. University Professor of the Area of ​​Theory and History of Education at the University of Burgos. Six six-year CNEAI research. He directs the international research group Formadesa specialized in Educational Policy and Planning. Member of the international networks Ociogune and G-21 European Association for Innovation. He has directed cooperative Doctoral Programs at Universities in Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela. He coordinates a Doctorate Program in Educational Policy with a Quality Mention. Author of monographs and articles in impact journals. Research Award from the Social Council of the University of Burgos. He has extensive experience in university management as Vice Chancellor of the University, Secretary of the Commission for the Evaluation of Contracted Teaching Staff of the Agency for the Quality of the Educational System of Castilla y León, evaluator of Aneca and of the Autonomous Quality Agencies of the ACSUG, AGAUR University System. , UNIBASQ and member of the Castilla y León Autonomous School Council.


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