Socio-demographic profile and perception of personal competence among sea kayakers




recreational nautical activities, physical activity in the natural environment, sociodemographic characteristics, competence learning, ecological awareness.


In recent years, the social demand for recreational physical activities in the natural environment has been growing at the same time as technological overabundance. The aim of this study was to approach the occasional practitioners of one of these activities, sea kayaking, in order to identify a possible socio-demographic profile and, in addition, to find out their perception of personal competence. A questionnaire was used as a data collection technique, administered to a sample of 600 users of the services of the SK KAYAK company in Llançà (Girona). With regard to the socio-demographic profile, it has been observed that there is hardly any distinction in the sex or age of the participants, who usually work as salaried employees and live in urban environments. With regard to their perception of their own skills, they showed themselves to have desires and needs inherent to human beings, such as enjoying the natural environment, going further afield, getting to know new places, escaping, getting close to wildlife and finding themselves. There was an imbalance between the complexity of the marine environment, their perception of competition and the lack of opportunities for experimentation available to them, making the uncertainty of this environment a barrier for them. It is concluded that the practice of sea kayaking improves people's ecological awareness, restoring the right balance to the relationship between human beings and the wildest nature, recalling the need for appropriate training for the correct development of physical activities in the natural environment.

Keywords: recreational nautical activities, physical activity in the natural environment, sociodemographic characteristics, competence learning, ecological awareness.


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How to Cite

Martínez Corominas, D., Labrador Roca, V. ., & Peñarrubia Lozano, C. . (2024). Socio-demographic profile and perception of personal competence among sea kayakers. Retos, 51, 895–901.



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