How to develop the IMRaD structure in original paper
scientific research, scientific communication, original article, IMRaD structureAbstract
This paper aims to inventory the IMRaD structure for preparing original articles. This study addresses the didactic nature of operationalizing the presentation of research results as an original article. The result of the present study is composed of a four-part structure. The first part highlights the distinction between the research and exposition methods and subsequently presents how to transpose research elements into the exhibition. The second part elucidates the sections of an original article prepared based on the IMRaD structure and explains the operationalization of the sections and the realization of the referred modeling. The third part illustrates the IMRaD model and its structure in sections and concomitantly presents the possibilities for modeling a scientific article. The fourth part presents suggestions for writing an original article. The broad adherence to the IMRaD structure is due to the simplicity and logic of exposing the research results and because it constitutes a more palatable reading resulting from the standardization of the manuscripts.
Keywords: scientific research, scientific communication, original article, IMRaD structure.
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