Effects of a structured motor game program on motor self-efficacy and components of physical fitness in schoolchildren
physical performance, Physical Education Teachers, Health education, physical activityAbstract
Introduction: It has been shown that ludic methodologies or methodologies based on structured motor play could improve motor self-efficacy and some components of physical condition compared to conventional methodologies. Objective: To analyze the effects of a structured motor game program on motor self-efficacy and components of physical condition in schoolchildren. Methods: Experimental study, where 12-13 year old students from two schools participated. Random sampling was carried out, forming a control group that took conventional physical education classes in accordance with the structure declared in the curricular bases of the Chilean educational system, and an experimental group that took structured motor game classes, each with 17 participants. The motor self-efficacy scale was applied, as well as the Alpha Fitness battery before and after 4 weeks of intervention. Results: control and experimental group had significant changes in the motor self-efficacy variable (p=0.001; TE= 1.14 and p=0.006; TE=0.65, respectively), however, in the physical condition components Changes were only observed in the experimental group in the waist circumference variable (p=0.041; TE=0.06). Conclusion: This investigation revealed that there is a statistically significant effect on the motor self-efficacy variable, both in the control group and the experimental group, on the other hand, there were no statistically significant changes in physical fitness and its components.
Keywords: Physical condition, physical education teacher, education, physical activity.
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