An educational intervention with adolescents based on mindfulness: qualitative research




Palabras clave (keywords): educación secundaria (secondary education); Mindfulness (Mindfulness); contexto escolar (school context); educación emocional (emotional education); relajación (relaxation)


This research studied the influence of a mindfulness program inside the school environment within the curricular schedule to a group of adolescents thanks to the perception of the student body, their families and the tutor and head of studies. For this reason, one qualitative research was carried out where different individual interviews and focus groups were conducted with the educational community throughout the study and at its ending. In this research, social distancing and the use of masks were necessary, due to the own restrictions of the pandemic. A total of 17 students from 2nd E.S.O. year among 13 and 15 years old participated in the test. From the data analysis, seven themes emerged: global perspective, relaxation and calm, interpersonal relationships, present-moment awareness, attention and concentration, attitude towards a problem, emotional change. The results showed an improvement with respect to interpersonal relationships and a superior state of relaxation and emotional well-being. Additionally, this activity has allowed students to increase their capacity of concentration and attention and to improve the present-moment awareness both at school and at extracurricular activities. We concluded that mindfulness-based programs are necessary because of the progress that they produce in adolescents´ groups and that fulfil the scholar community. 

Keywords: secondary education; Mindfulness; school context; emotional education; relaxation


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How to Cite

Mauriz Turrado, I., & Fernández Río, J. (2023). An educational intervention with adolescents based on mindfulness: qualitative research. Retos, 49, 642–651.



Original Research Article