Does resilience predict self-efficacy and motivation in dancers?
Ballet. Performance. Psychology. Dancers.Abstract
Objective: This cross-sectional study investigated the association among resilience, self-efficacy and motivation in 135 dancers from Theatre Guaíra School of Dance (21,5% men, 26,6±14,3; 78,5% women 17,3 ± 9,7 years old). Methods: The instruments used included the Resilience Scale (RS), The General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE), and the Sport Motivation Scale II (SMS-II). Data analysis was carried out by using Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) and Multiple Regression (p<.05). Results: As results resilience was positively associated with self-efficacy (r=.32), controlled motivation regulations (r=.18 and 21) and autonomous motivation regulations (rrange=.26 to 36), and negatively associated with amotivation (r=-.18). The Regression analysis found that resilience positively influenced the participants in the sense of achieving self-efficacy (R2=.10; p<.001; β=.32, p<.001), motivation regulation (r2range=.03 to .10; p<.05), controlled motivation (external regulation, β=.18, p<.05, and introjected regulation, β=.21, p<.05), autonomous motivation (intrinsic regulation, β=.31, p<.001, integrated regulation, β=.26, p<.001, and identified regulation, β=.36, p<.001), and amotivation (β=-.18, p<.05). Conclusion: Ultimately, it was concluded that resilience seems to play a protective role against amotivation, in addition to promoting both controlled and autonomous motivation, and self-efficacy in dancers.
Keywords: Ballet. Performance. Psychology. Dancers.
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