Instep kicking kinematics in Chilean professional male futsal players: Proposal of a kinematic model


  • Esteban Aedo Muñoz Departamento de Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación. Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación. Chile.
  • Rodrigo Martínez Catalán Master's Program in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences Applied to Training, Rehabilitation and Sports Reintegration, Faculty of Health, Universidad Santo Tomás, Chile.
  • Bianka Miarka Graduate Program in Physical Education. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. Núcleo de Investigación en Ciencias de la Motricidad Humana, Universidad Adventista de Chile, Chile.
  • Pablo Merino Muñoz Graduate Program in Physical Education. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. Núcleo de Investigación en Ciencias de la Motricidad Humana, Universidad Adventista de Chile, Chile.
  • Ciro Brito Graduate Program in Physical Education. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. Núcleo de Investigación en Ciencias de la Motricidad Humana, Universidad Adventista de Chile, Chile.
  • Felipe Hermosilla Palma Núcleo de Investigación en Ciencias de la Motricidad Humana, Universidad Adventista de Chile, Chile. Autonomous University of Chile, Chile
  • Jorge Pérez Contreras School of Sports Sciences, Faculty of Health, Universidad Santo Tomas, Chile. Department of Studies and Academic Production, National Institute of Soccer, Sports and Physical Activity, Chile.



biomechanics, sports, motor skills, athletic performance, review


Objective: To propose and describe the kinematic model of instep kicking in professional futsal players in Chile. Methods: A biomechanical model of the execution of the technical gesture of instep kicking in futsal was developed through a literature search and a kinematic analysis of the execution was performed in professional male futsal players (n = 12, age 21 ±2.83 years, body mass 75.5 ±12.01 kg, height 1.74 ±0.05 m.) who compete in the ANFP Futsal Championship of Chile. The evaluation of the shot was performed in an official futsal court (FIFA Standard). The ball was placed on the penalty spot, and the participants made 2 attempts each. The kinematic variables selected were the positions and angular velocities of the knee and ankle, for both legs, and in each phase of the shot. For the application of the analysis, the VICON® motion capture system was used. The markers were placed on both lower limbs according to the Plug-In Gait™ Standard Lower Body model. Results: Through the literature search, a 4-phase model was generated and analyzed: Unipodal, Balance, Contact and Post Impact. The kinematics (Position [rad] and angular velocity [rad/s] of knee and ankle of the 4 phases were described. Conclusions: The literature search resulted for the qualitative research, the modification of an existing biomechanical model, thus generating, the design of the instep kicking model in futsal and described the position and average angular velocity of each phase.

Keywords: biomechanics, sports, motor skills, athletic performance, review


Author Biographies

Esteban Aedo Muñoz , Departamento de Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación. Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación. Chile.

PhD, Professor of Physical Education 

University of Santiago de Chile, Chile
Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación, Chile
National Sports Institute, Chile

Rodrigo Martínez Catalán , Master's Program in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences Applied to Training, Rehabilitation and Sports Reintegration, Faculty of Health, Universidad Santo Tomás, Chile.

Bachelor of Science in Physical Activity, Universidad de Santiago de Chile USACH, Chile. 

Master's Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences Applied to Training and Rehabilitation and Sports Reintegration. Santo Tómas University, UST, Chile. 
Sports, Faculty of Health, Universidad Santo Tomás, Chile.

Bianka Miarka , Graduate Program in Physical Education. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. Núcleo de Investigación en Ciencias de la Motricidad Humana, Universidad Adventista de Chile, Chile.

Doctorate in Biodynamics from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of São Paulo, Brazil. 

Professor (Full) at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Pablo Merino Muñoz , Graduate Program in Physical Education. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. Núcleo de Investigación en Ciencias de la Motricidad Humana, Universidad Adventista de Chile, Chile.

Bachelor's Degree in Physical Activity Sciences, Sports Trainer, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.

Master in Physical-Sports Performance, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Ciro Brito , Graduate Program in Physical Education. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. Núcleo de Investigación en Ciencias de la Motricidad Humana, Universidad Adventista de Chile, Chile.

PhD in Physical Education

Professor at Federal University of Juiz de Fora Brazil

Felipe Hermosilla Palma , Núcleo de Investigación en Ciencias de la Motricidad Humana, Universidad Adventista de Chile, Chile. Autonomous University of Chile, Chile

Professor in the Nucleus of Research in Human Motor Sciences, Universidad Adventista de Chile, Chile.

Professor, Universidad Autonoma de Chile, Chile.

Jorge Pérez Contreras , School of Sports Sciences, Faculty of Health, Universidad Santo Tomas, Chile. Department of Studies and Academic Production, National Institute of Soccer, Sports and Physical Activity, Chile.

Professor, School of Sports Sciences, Faculty of Health, Universidad Santo Tomas, Chile.

Coordinator Department of Studies and Academic Production, National Institute of Football, Sport and Physical Activity, INAF, Chile. 


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How to Cite

Aedo Muñoz, E. ., Martínez Catalán, R. ., Miarka , B. ., Merino Muñoz, P., Brito, C., Hermosilla Palma, F. ., & Pérez Contreras, J. (2023). Instep kicking kinematics in Chilean professional male futsal players: Proposal of a kinematic model. Retos, 47, 933–940.



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