Benchmarks for athletic performance in undergraduate students in Physical Education




athletics, assessment, characterization, students, profile.


Purpose: This study aimed to identify the development of anthropometric indicators and characterize, based on technical assessment tables, the athletic performance of male students from the Physical Education bachelor degree program at the Universidad Surcolombiana (Huila, Colombia). A third purpose was to establish reference values for evaluating athletic performance in similar population groups. Method: Prospective cross-sectional study with 415 male students aged 19.62 years ± 2.01, height 172.14 ± 6.09 cm, mass 65.35 ± 7.77 kg, and body mass index of 22.03 kg/m2 ± 2.19 who were evaluated in 10 events of races, jumps, and throws in Athletics. Descriptive statistics were calculated, and the results were assigned evaluation points based on international tables, ranging between 0 and 1,400 points. Results: The athletic performance of the students is characterized by a value of 227 points for the 100 m, 229 for the 300 m, 250 for the 50 m hurdles, 89 for the 2,000 m, 339 for the 4x100 m relay, 318 for the shot put, 264 for discus throw, 264 for javelin throw, 393 for long jump, and 382 for the high jump. Conclusions: The best athletic performance of the students is presented in the long jump, the lowest performance in the 2,000 m run, and the best-evaluated throw was the shot put. Stratified scorecards on 10 athletic events are created to assess athletic performance in similar population groups with undergraduate students.

Keywords: athletics, assessment, characterization, students, profile


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How to Cite

Montenegro Arjona, O. A., & Díaz Espinel, D. A. (2023). Benchmarks for athletic performance in undergraduate students in Physical Education. Retos, 50, 1172–1179.



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