Pedagogical Self-Management applied to training football. Design of a training activity with technological support and its impact on player motivation




Pedagogical self-management, basic psychological needs, self-determination theory, motivation, football, sport training and methodology


Research based on Self-Determination Theory provides evidence that an autonomy-supportive teaching style nurtures learners' basic psychological needs that influence human well-being and motivation. Pedagogical Self-Management (PS-M) applied to football, with technological support, is a practice with little research evidence in the field of sports training. The aim of this study is to show the design and the main results of the application of a training activity based on PS-M as an intervention strategy that supports autonomy. The design of instruments that favour this methodology is a challenge addressed in this research. The case study was carried out in a Kuwaiti football academy with 18 players aged 11 to 14. A catalogue of activities was constructed in audio-visual format and the athletes had to choose and overcome with individual and collective challenges related to ball skills. They were designed and arranged in different levels of difficulty and were carried out in groups of three players of different skill levels. Data were collected through field notes, structured interviews and recordings. The results show a better fit between perceived and actual competence at the end of the experience, a helpful attitude of the more competent players towards the less proficient ones and an increase in training attendance. This study shows how PA and an instrument of this type can generate intrinsic motivation in subjects in sports training, which opens up new methodological lines for further research.

Author Biographies

Alfredo Joven Pérez

D. Alfredo Joven Pérez, profesor en Deportes II: Natación, Expresión Corporal y Danza, Habilidades para la intervención profesional en la enseñanza de la motricidad, en el Máster de Gestión Deportiva y en el Máster de Dirección Deportiva en el Instituto Nacional de Educación Física de Cataluña (INEFC), centro de Lleida (Universitat de Lleida),  integrante del grupo de investigación Didáctica de la Actividad Física para la Educación, la Cultura y el Bienestar (DECUBIAF).


Eloísa Lorente Catalán

Dña. Eloísa Lorente Catalán, profesora en Intervención y Evaluación

de la enseñanza de la actividad física y el deporte (Grado de CAFyD), coordinadora

de Prácticas Externas y profesora en el Máster Universitario en formación del

Profesorado de Secundaria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas

en el Instituto Nacional de Educación Física de Cataluña (INEFC), centro de Lleida

(Universitat de Lleida), coordinadora del grupo de investigación Didáctica de la Actividad

Física para la Educación, la Cultura y el Bienestar (DECUBIAF).


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How to Cite

Serrano Giménez, E., Joven Pérez, A., & Lorente Catalán, E. (2022). Pedagogical Self-Management applied to training football. Design of a training activity with technological support and its impact on player motivation. Retos, 45, 1061–1068.



Original Research Article