Efficacy of food analysis applications in the redirection towards a healthy diet of university students
Healthy nutrition, University students, Mobile apps, Smartphones, Diet, Health PromotionAbstract
Today, young people are regular users of smartphones, using them in practically all areas of their lives. Due to their qualities and versatility, these devices have become exceptional tools for learning and adopting healthier lifestyles, especially among the youngest. Proof of this are the applications that have been emerging in recent years to improve eating behavior and the quality of the diet of this group. From this framework of considerations, the present study set out to: (1) verify whether a tool of this type can make the purchase and consumption of food among young people healthier, and (2) identify their perception of the use of these types of applications. In order to achieve these objectives, 71 students of the Degree in Teacher in Early Childhood Education at the University of Alicante participated, who used one of these applications for two months. Data collection was carried out by means of an ad hoc questionnaire. According to the results, although there was a notable change towards a more balanced diet, it was also possible to appreciate some limitations, such as letting oneself be carried away by the consumption of more appetizing food at these ages. In view of these findings, and in order to improve the eating behavior of university students, it is concluded that the use of these applications requires adequate training to accompany and guide their use.
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