Dance and Body Expression as a scientific subject in the Degree of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences


  • Diana Amado Alonso



epistemology, dance, body expression, subject, degree, sport sciences


Dance and Body Expression is a scientific discipline that has evolved in recent years from the study of movement per se towards the analysis of the body and dance in all its dimensions. In this way, a body of knowledge has been configured with a great empirical base, from which areas such as Medicine, Psychology, Pedagogy, and other sciences related to physical activity and sport are nourished. To understand this evolution, it is essential to make a differentiation between the concept of Dance and the concept of Body Expression, and to take a tour of its object of study and its scientific status, focusing on the three main dimensions where its contributions are oriented: artistic dimension, pedagogical dimension and psychotherapeutic dimension. Therefore, given the importance of this subject to increase the body of knowledge within Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, it is necessary to deepen in its epistemological foundations to guide future studies.


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How to Cite

Amado Alonso, D. (2022). Dance and Body Expression as a scientific subject in the Degree of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. Retos, 45, 1174–1187.



Monographic. Body Expression and Research. From Occurrences to Certainties

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