Teaching strategies for learning basketball skills. SWOT analysis


  • Pablo Camacho Lazarraga Centro Universitario San Isidoro (Sevilla)




incidental learning, teaching estrategies, skills, basketball, SWOT


An analysis of the use of incidental teaching strategies for the learning of basketball skills is carried out. For this purpose, we use the structure of the SWOT methodology (weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities), which has proven to be an effective technique for analyzing and formulating new strategies for action. We have carried out an internal and external evaluation, collecting, analyzing, interpreting and identifying some elements that we consider should be taken into account in future research, taking advantage of the strengths and opportunities and minimizing the threats and weaknesses detected that could favor or limit the generalization of the results obtained, in order to advance in the understanding of the effect of the configuration of certain variables on the behavior of the players, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process through the improvement of the design of our tasks. We analyzed these elements and compared the tendency of the effect of the tasks developed in studies using these teaching strategies (n=124), fundamentally of a non-specific nature, with an ecological study where specific tasks are developed (n=1). In general terms, the results of our study show the importance of players having both types of processing, reflective and intuitive. Finally, we consider that SWOT analysis can provide a broader vision in the field of sports training research, acting as a complement in the analysis of the principles that govern the design of tasks.

Author Biography

Pablo Camacho Lazarraga , Centro Universitario San Isidoro (Sevilla)

Responsable del Área de Conocimiento del Grado en CCAAFFDD


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How to Cite

Camacho Lazarraga, P. (2022). Teaching strategies for learning basketball skills. SWOT analysis. Retos, 46, 442–451. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v46.90687



Original Research Article