Impact of the COVID19 pandemic on the perception of motor competence in schoolchildren from Temuco, Chile


  • Jaime Carcamo-Oyarzun Universidad de la Frontera
  • Francisco Romero-Rojas Instituto Claret
  • Isaac Estevan Universidad de Valencia



fundamental motor skills, perceived competence, motor competence, motor development, COVID-19


In the field of motor development, the perception of motor competence is considered one of the most important underlying mechanisms that influence the adherence to the practice of physical activity, where Physical Education classes are one of the most relevant instances for its development. The present study aims to analyze how the perception of motor competence evolves in conditions of confinement and closed schools because of COVID-19 during the time in which the students have not had Physical Education classes in a face-to-face manner. 104 students (52.9% girls; age M=10.9; S.D.=0.69) participated and answered the SEMOK questionnaire for assessing perceived motor competence in both 2019 (T1) and 2020 (T2). The results of the mixed model did not present major effects of the confinement period on the perception of motor competence (p>.05), while in each of the periods significant differences were found according to gender, with boys showing a higher perception of motor competence in object control than girls (p<.001). The students maintained a similar perception from T1 to T2, showing stability in the perception of their motor competence during the period of confinement, which coincides with the few studies that have studied this subject, following prospective procedures. In addition, the role of gender in the perception of motor competence is confirmed and should be considered when developing didactic strategies for Physical Education class.



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How to Cite

Carcamo-Oyarzun, J., Romero-Rojas, F., & Estevan, I. (2022). Impact of the COVID19 pandemic on the perception of motor competence in schoolchildren from Temuco, Chile. Retos, 43, 361–369.



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