Changes in didactic strategies of gymnastics in quarantine: a case study
Learning, quarantine, physical education, teaching strategies, pandemicAbstract
This research article exposes the change of the gymnastics strategy from face-to-face to virtuality in the area of physical education due to the occurrence of quarantine by Covid-19, the research problem was carried out in the context of the Puente Educational Institution Yellow focusing on the significant learning and emotional experiences that second graders acquire during class. Taking into account the above, the research approach is established in the qualitative, with a case study method to investigate the phenomenological events that are visualized in the students' realities, the information gathering techniques that were used were, the interview , filming and observation. It was found that the environments generated through play and the appropriate digital platforms form learning that achieves objectives in the competencies established in the physical education area, in turn, it becomes necessary that presence is essential in the training of education childish.
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