Inclusion, attention to diversity and neuroeducation in physical education
inclusion, attention to diversity, neuroeducation, physical education, educationAbstract
The general objective of this work is to analyze the relationship between inclusion, attention to diversity and neuroeducation in the field of Physical Education, through the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of a scale, created ad hoc, validated and confirmed. For the search for answers, a non-experimental, descriptive and explanatory research process has been carried out. The data collection instrument was a Likert scale (with an odd number of options, five response levels and a range from 1 to 5) that was validated for content and reliability (Cronbach's alpha, .833). The construct validity has been carried out with an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) (KMO: .771, Bartlett: sign.000, determinant: 6.064E-7). The sample consisted of 359 university students majoring in Physical Education. The CFA allowed us to conclude that this relationship is possible, with greater strength between inclusion and attention to diversity, and between the latter and neuroeducation, and with lesser strength between inclusion and neuroeducation. (X2/gl (3.09). IAA: GFI (.85), RMSEA (.076), NCP (437.63), SRMR (.44), RMS (.061), ECVI (2.31). IAI: AGFI (.79), IFI (.96), NFI (.94), TLI OR NNFI (.94), RFI (.92), CFI (.96). IP: PNFI (.71), PGFI (.60), AGFI (.79)).
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