A literature review of the characteristics that define a good physical education teacher: considerations from teacher training





good teacher, characteristics, physical education, secondary education, trainers of trainers, teacher preparation, training programs


The present paper pretends to know what characteristics should take into consideration the physical education teachers in secondary education to improve their effectiveness as a teacher and which should have more importance in their training. A literature review was carried out in the ERIC, Scielo, Scopus, SportDiscus and Web of Science databases from 2009 to 2019 (both inclusive), selecting a total of 12 articles. The results shows the importance of categories such as pedagogical capacity, performance and professional involvement, personality traits and knowledge of the subject in the conception of a good teacher; while other attributes such as the promotion of values, the achievement of the goals pursued by the subject and the development of a positive environment in the classes have less prominence. In summary, it is recommended to recognize the importance of these features in the initial training of university students, as well as to reorient the continuous training programmes of the physical education teachers.


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How to Cite

Villaverde-Caramés, E. J., Fernández-Villarino, M. Ángeles, Toja-Reboredo, B., & González-Valeiro, M. Ángel. (2021). A literature review of the characteristics that define a good physical education teacher: considerations from teacher training. Retos, 41, 471–479. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v0i41.84421



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