Level of adaptation to the tactical context in youth football players
Football, tactics, operational principles, decision-makingAbstract
The objective of the study was to describe the level of adaptation to the tactical context in the operational principles of maintaining possession of the ball, penetrating the defense, and attacking the goal in youth soccer players between the first and second half of the game. The design was non-experimental-descriptive with the participation of 16 soccer players (Age Me= 14, IR= 1 years; height x̄= 165, SD= .06 cm; mass x̄= 55.29, SD= 5.21 kg; sport experience x̄= 7.84, SD= 1.34 years). The valid and reliable Game Performance Evaluation Tool for this age (α = .97) was used to collect the information through a modified soccer game with a structure 5 + goalkeeper vs 5 + goalkeeper. Data are summarized with proportions and confidence intervals. The bivariate analysis, differences of proportions was established between the first and second time using the McNemar test for paired data. A total of 191 decision-making units were registered with an average percentage of effectiveness in the principles of 79.48%. The results showed that the principle of conserving had a decrease in the second half in relation to the first (-2.26%) without implying significant differences (p= .16). On the other hand, the principle of progressing it had a greater performance in the second time (37.33%) finding significant differences between both times (p< .01); in the principle of finishing there is a 33.33% difference between the times. In the total effectiveness of the adaptation to the tactical context, a greater performance was found in the second time (24.37%), finding statistically significant differences (p< .01). The study concludes that soccer players have a better adaptation to the tactical context in the second half than in the first half of the game.
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