Effects of a multicomponent physical exercise program on fitness, self-esteem, anxiety and depression on older adults


  • Miguel Ángel Araque-Martínez University of Almeria
  • Pedro Jesús Ruiz-Montero University of Granada
  • Eva María Artés-Rodríguez University of Almeria




Physical exercise, aging, older adults, fitness, emotional well-being, feelings


Abstract. Ageing is a natural process associated to physiological deterioration. Moreover, the feelings are also affected by ageing process. Physical exercise has showed to be an useful tool to fight against changes of ageing process. Both Multiple Intelligence Theory and Intelligence XXI manual were used to develop physical, cognitive and emotional factors. The present study analyzes the effects of a multicomponent physical exercise program on fitness, self-esteem, anxiety and depression on older adults (n=70) from Almería province. This investigation follows a quantitative design where the measurements from an experimental group are compared before (pre-test) and after (post-test). The length of the intervention’ program was eight months. Physical fitness, self-esteem, anxiety and depression were evaluated by Senior Fitness Test (SFT), Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale and The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD), respectively. Results reflect significant improvements on agility or dynamic balance, self-esteem, anxiety and depression (p<.05), as well as on cardiorespiratory capacity (p<.01). In conclusion, this study indicates that a multicomponent physical exercise program improves some fitness parameters, self-esteem, anxiety and depression in older adults from Almeria province.

Author Biographies

Miguel Ángel Araque-Martínez , University of Almeria

Department of Education. Faculty of Education Science

Pedro Jesús Ruiz-Montero , University of Granada

Department of Physical Education and Sport. Faculty of Education and Sport Science

Eva María Artés-Rodríguez , University of Almeria

Department of Education. Faculty of Education.


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How to Cite

Araque-Martínez, M. Ángel, Ruiz-Montero, P. J., & Artés-Rodríguez, E. M. (2021). Effects of a multicomponent physical exercise program on fitness, self-esteem, anxiety and depression on older adults. Retos, 39, 1024–1028. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v0i39.83282



Monographic: Physical and sports activity in older people. Castillo-Rodríguez

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