Adaptation and validation of a scale for the evaluation of the professional performance of the football trainer based on his/her continuous training, level of ICT and self-evaluation


  • Ignacio Ballester Esteve Facultad de Magisterio y Ciencias de la Educación de la Educación, Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir. Escuela de Doctorado, Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir.
  • Rocío Fernández Piqueras Facultad de Magisterio y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir.
  • David Parra-Camacho Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte. Departamento de Educación Física y Deportiva. Universitat de Valencia.



football coaches, professional performance, ICT, continuous training, self-evaluation


This research aims to adapt and validate a scale for the evaluation of the professional performance of football coaches based on their previous training and the level of digital competencies that the coach possesses (Scale for the evaluation of the professional performance of football coaches based on their permanent training, level of ICT and self-evaluation). The study sample is made up of a total of 412 coaches in training, of which 91.7% are men and the remaining 8.3% are women. All of these subjects are students of the training courses for football coaches of the Valencian Football Federation (FFCV), distributed by the different technical levels, although the most represented is UEFA C with 71.1%. The design of the scale was based on the questionnaire carried out by Zambrano, Meda and Lara (2005). An exploratory factorial analysis (EFA) and a confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA) were carried out, which allowed identifying three factors in which the indicators were grouped: interest in continuous training (4 items), ICT training (3 items) and self-evaluation (4 items). The different goodness-of-fit indicators showed adequate values: (x2/gl=2.77); RMSEA=.057 (Confidence Interval=.042-.072); CFI=.97; IFI=.97. Reliability was checked using the composite reliability values, Cronbach’s alpha and the average variance extracted. The results of the research support the reliability and validity of the scale to assess the professional performance of soccer coaches.


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How to Cite

Ballester Esteve, I., Fernández Piqueras, R., & Parra-Camacho, D. (2021). Adaptation and validation of a scale for the evaluation of the professional performance of the football trainer based on his/her continuous training, level of ICT and self-evaluation. Retos, 40, 272–280.



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