Effect of an ZOOM mediated home training program in women's soccer during the Covid-19 pandemic on the Rating of Perceived Exertion and support for basic psychological needs
Virtual training, motivation, Basic Psychological Needs, fitness training, women's footballAbstract
Individualized non-face-to-face training is common in individual and group sports, especially in those more dependent on conditional support. This paper presents a virtual group training program (PEVG) at home, mediated by Zoom application, and developed by a women's soccer team during the Covid-19 confinement. The purpose of this study has been to assess the impact of PEVG on conditional stimulation, mood, and psychosocial support. To assess its effect on the first two aspects, a wellness questionnaire was completed at the end of each session. At the end of the confinement period, support for basic psychological needs scale (NPB) was applied. The procedural results of the wellness questionnaire show medium and high values, and stability in all its items, being the mood the one that obtains higher values and less fluctuation. Likewise, there are differences in the Rating of Perceived Exertion according to the characteristics of the players' profile, specific position (defenders-attackers), and age (young-seniors). At the end of the experience, the assessment of the conditional stimulus allows us to infer that the perception of effort seems to have been influenced by the mobility limitations imposed and the duration of the confinement state, and the types of sessions used. Regarding support for NPBs, a high score is found in the dimension support for the social relationship, which, taking into account the situation of separation of the players, is related to the use of the telematics application.
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