Body values in teenagers. No values or new valorization?
Physical Education, Values, Body, Curriculum, Axiological Hierarchy, Secondary School StudentsAbstract
Abstract. The scientific literature has been insisting in recent years on a new valorization of the body that this article tries to study empirically. The instrument of measurement is the test devised by Casares and Collados (1998), which divides body values into 10 categories and it has been applied to a sample of 536 students from 1st year of Bachillerato in Castilla y León region of Spain during the academic year 2017/18. Two different procedures are performed to obtain results, by words and by body values. Also, in each of these procedures, both the maximum frequencies and the mean values are analyzed, eventually resulting in three different routes. The results obtained from the three methodologies show different characteristics and are not susceptible of comparative due to the heterogeneity in the units of measurement, however, the hierarchies derived from them do allow comparison in this regard. The most common trends linking students with contemporary Western society and post-modern body are examined. The results show pleasure value as the most fulfilling and religion as the least. Likewise, the biological, aesthetic, intellectual and affective-social body values are highlighted as the most pleasing after pleasure value, while the ecological, ethical and dynamic values are highlighted as less pleasant. All this, generally speaking, supports the perspective described by the literature about the postmodern body and its great value as an organic structure to the detriment of its human function, impacting on various fields that require intervention.
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