Validity and confiability of the scale of physical activity for disabled adults PASIPD-C


  • Laura Elizabeth Castro jimenez Universitaria Agustiniana Grupo de investigación GEICOS
  • Angie Ivonne Grillo Cardenas Fisioterapeuta, Especialista en Ejercicio físico para la salud, Magister en Actividad Física y Salud. Docente Universidad Santo Tomas, Bogotá Colombia.



Disabled Persons, Disability Assessment, Validation Studies, Physical Activity Scale for adults with physical disabilities (PASIPD)


Objective: To develop cross-cultural adaptation and estimation of scalar properties (appearance validity, reliability -internal consistency- and construct validity) of the Scale of Physical Activity for Physical Disability (PASIPD). Methodology: Non-experimental observational, descriptive-correlational research. The sample consisted of 47 people with an average age of 32.3 ± 11.5 years; 51.1% women vs 48.9% of men, from Bogotá, with chronic conditions of physical disability. The vocabulary and writing of the PASIPD scale items were revised, adapting them to the Colombian context. Appearance validation (facial validity) was performed, later it was piloted with 21 adults with disabilities. Then, PASIPD-C was applied in leagues and entities promoting physical activity. Analysis was performed with IBM-SPSS statistic 22. Results: There were no significant differences (p> .05) in the estimated metabolic output between age groups (F = .342; p = .795), congenital vs acquired disability (F = 2.58; p = .115), time to present disability (F = 2.702; p = .058) and use of technical aids (F = .095; p = .910). Regarding reliability, Cronbach's Alpha of 0.721, high internal consistency. The factor analysis of principal components yielded a Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sample adequacy of .56, which with the Bartlett test of sphericity was significant by giving a p <.001.


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How to Cite

Castro jimenez, L. E., & Grillo Cardenas, A. I. (2021). Validity and confiability of the scale of physical activity for disabled adults PASIPD-C. Retos, 41, 162–170.



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