Dietary intake, anthropometric indices and physical activity level in schoolchildren
Dietary intake, nutritional status, physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, childrenAbstract
During the school stage, it is essential to develop healthy lifestyles, such as a balanced diet and regular physical activity, to achieve adequate growth and prevent long-term malnutrition due to food deficiency and/or excess. The objective of the present study was to determine dietary intake, anthropometric indices and level of physical activity in schools in the city of Guayaquil- Ecuador. A three-day dietary record was applied to determine the average consumption of fiber, energy, macro and micronutrients. The level of physical activity was measured through the application of the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). The current nutritional status was identified through anthropometric indices: weight/age, height/age, and body mass index/age. A consumption in deficit of energy, carbohydrates, total fats, minerals and dietary fiber was found. A normal weight for age and body mass index were evident, however, the prevalence of excess weight reached 34.3%. Finally, a moderate level of physical activity was reflected in men and a low or inactive level in women. Although a nutritional imbalance was found in the food intake of schoolchildren, this has not affected their normal growth.
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