Tactics and strategy analysis in professional badminton: insights from match data and performance metrics- a systematic review
Professional badminton, Tactics and strategy analysis, Match data, Athlete performance metrics, Systematic reviewAbstract
Background and Goal of Study: Professional badminton is a sport that requires a combination of physical skills and tactical strategies. This study aims to analyze the tactics and techniques applied in professional badminton systematically matches to improve understanding of the factors influencing athlete performance. This study uses match data and performance metrics as the primary evaluation tools. Materials and Methods: This study adopted a systematic review design with strict selection criteria for data sources. Involving the review of relevant articles, the study gained in-depth insights into the basic concepts of strategy and tactics in badminton, utilization of match data, and the relevance of performance metrics in athlete evaluation. Careful analytical methods were applied to identify common patterns and relationships between strategies used and match outcomes. Results: The main findings of this study include an in-depth understanding of the patterns of strategies and tactics applied by professional badminton athletes. Analysis of match data provided insights into the key factors influencing match outcomes, while performance metrics opened up opportunities for objectively evaluating athletes' skills. Significant variation in athlete performance metrics was also found, highlighting the complexity of assessing and improving the performance of badminton athletes. Conclusion: By integrating match data and performance metrics, this study significantly contributes to understanding tactics and strategy in professional badminton. Practical implications involve the development of more targeted training methods, taking into account these findings to improve athletes' readiness for high-level competition. This study also provides a basis for further research, highlighting the importance of exploring the potential for developing more effective strategies and tactics in professional badminton.
Keywords: Professional badminton, Tactics and strategy analysis, Match data, Athlete performance metrics, Systematic review
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