Outdoor activities and outdoor environments for fitness and mental health: a systematic review


  • Hartman Nugraha Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Hernawan Hernawan Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Masnur Ali Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Ayi Rahmat Universitas Setia Budi Rangkasbitung
  • Irvan Septianto Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
  • Aryati Aryati Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Didi Suryadi Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta




Physical activity, outdoor activity, fitness, mental health


Outdoor activities and outdoor environments have been recognized as important factors in supporting fitness and mental health. This study aims to review the existing literature on the effects of outdoor activities and outdoor environments on fitness and mental health through a systematic review method. Mental health disorders are a leading cause of global disability, while physical fitness is important for activities without significant fatigue. Several studies have shown that physical activity provides significant benefits to physical, emotional and psychological well-being. The search strategy used Science Direct, Pubmed, and Scopus databases following PRISMA guidelines. The search yielded 4,917 publications, but after the selection process, only seven articles met the inclusion criteria. The studies analyzed also showed that regular engagement in outdoor activities can contribute to improved physical fitness, including increased muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. In terms of mental health, outdoor activities are associated with reduced levels of anxiety and depression, as well as increased self-confidence and life satisfaction. This research highlights the importance of designing and implementing fitness programs that take advantage of the outdoor environment, as well as encouraging people to engage in regular outdoor activities. The study also highlights the importance of outdoor nature-based interventions to improve fitness and mental health in adults and adolescents. These conclusions provide a basis for policy makers and health practitioners to promote the use of outdoor environments as a means to improve fitness and mental health. The findings can serve as a basis for developing effective health promotion strategies through interactions with nature.

Keywords: Physical activity, outdoor activity, fitness, mental health


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How to Cite

Nugraha , H., Hernawan, H., Ali, M., Rahmat, A., Septianto, I., Aryati, A., & Suryadi, D. (2024). Outdoor activities and outdoor environments for fitness and mental health: a systematic review. Retos, 59, 642–648. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v59.108730



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