Privacy in sports: a discussion from the capture and processing of sensitive data through wearables




Privacy in sports, Athletes' rights, Personal data, Sports information capture devices, Wearables


The increasing use of wearable devices in sports raises concerns about data privacy and transparency in their collection and processing. This article analyzes whether privacy in sport can be considered a legal interest, given the growing use of these devices that automatically capture and process potentially sensitive information about athletes. The study employed an exploratory approach, utilizing documentary analysis of specialized information for data collection. Hermeneutic and correlational methods were used to connect elements of theoretical and normative approaches to privacy and personal data management in this sporting context. The article contributes by presenting reflections on how the management of sensitive data in sports wearables should be based on robust legal frameworks and ethical principles that safeguard athletes' autonomy and privacy. The text concludes that privacy constitutes a paramount legal interest for athletes; therefore, the integrity of the information and the athlete's privacy take precedence over any intended data processing.

Keywords: Privacy in sports; Athletes' rights; Personal data; Sports information capture devices; Wearables

Author Biography

Iván Vargas-Chaves , Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Doctor en Derecho. Profesor de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (Bogotá, Colombia)


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How to Cite

Vargas-Chaves, I. (2024). Privacy in sports: a discussion from the capture and processing of sensitive data through wearables. Retos, 60, 279–286.



Theoretical systematic reviews and/or meta-analysis