Potential sports industry Segorogunung village: a strategy for the paragliding sport tourism development model
Sports industry, Paragliding, Segorogunung Village, Sports tourism.Abstract
The objectives of this study are as follows: (1) Determine the opportunities, threats, vulnerabilities, and strengths of the paragliding hill as a tourist attraction in Segorogunung village; and (2) Establish a model strategy for the development of paragliding sport tourism in Segorogunung village. This research employs a qualitative descriptive case study methodology incorporating an embedded research approach. Utilizing a strategic management concept-based approach, qualitative descriptive and SWOT analyses are utilized in research data analysis. The research findings indicate the following: (1) The accumulated value of the strength factor is 1.758; the accumulated value of the vulnerability factor is -1.255; the accumulated value of the opportunity factor is 1.855; and the accumulated value of the threat factor is -1.445. (2) The cumulative IFAS score for the (3) The progressive strategy model for the development of sports tourism in Segorogunung village requires the following concrete steps: a). Implementation of the pentahelix framework to facilitate the growth and progress of paragliding sports tourism. B). Cultivating a shared sense of mutual respect, trust, accountability, and benefit; establishing cross-sector communication forums; developing master plans for development; and fostering management collaboration in order to implement a management system based on good governance. According to the findings of this study, paragliding as a sports tourism incentive in Segorogunung village achieves Quadrant I (progressive strategy model) classification. This circumstance is extremely advantageous for paragliding tourism administrators, the village administration, and the regional administration of the Karanganyar Regency.
Keywords: Sports industry, Paragliding, Segorogunung Village, Sports tourism.
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