Exploring The Fundamental Aspect of Grassroot Football Academy: A Case Study in Indonesia


  • Amin Akbar Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Zulakbal Abd Karim
  • Jaffry Zakaria




Grassroot, Football, Fundamental Aspect


This research explores the fundamental aspects coaches teach in several grassroots football academies in Indonesia. Qualitative methods through case study design were employed in the current research, and the data were collected through interviews. Ten coaches from various grassroots football academies in Indonesia were interviewed. They were asked about the fundamental aspects of football taught in their grassroots football academy. In this case, the purposeful sampling method was used to determine the participants. The participants were chosen based on having a coaching license and having a minimum of 5 years of coaching experience. The data collected was analyzed with qualitative research software, namely N-Vivo 14. In this case, three packages of N-Vivo were used, namely word cloud, tree map, and frequency query. The results revealed several words or topics that the participants mainly discussed. Based on the findings, several fundamental aspects of the Indonesian grassroots football academy were mental, discipline, practice, goal, concentration, confidence, motivation, and physical. These are the fundamental aspects taught mainly by the coaches in the grassroots football academy in Indonesia.

Keywords: youth athlete; football; essential factor in grassroots football.


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How to Cite

Akbar, A., Karim, Z. A., & Zakaria, J. (2024). Exploring The Fundamental Aspect of Grassroot Football Academy: A Case Study in Indonesia. Retos, 53, 280–287. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v53.102619



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