Scientific production on the application of comprehensive models in net sports: a systematic review
TGfU, Game Sense, Tactical Games Approach, Teaching, Internal Logic, Motor Praxiology, Motor Conduct, Motor Action TheoryAbstract
The aim of this systematic review was to analyze the scientific production on the effects of the application of comprehensive models on dimensions of Motor Conduct in net sports. Following the PRISMA criteria, this review only considered applied studies on net sports written in English, Spanish or Portuguese in SportDiscuss, Scopus, ERIC and Web of Science databases, published between 2011 and 2021. A total of 12 articles that met the inclusion criteria were included in this analysis. The studies encompassed affective, cognitive, and organic dimensions, but no articles were identified pertaining to the relational dimension. Findings revealed that comprehensive models positively influenced the cognitive dimension, enhancing decision-making and tactical understanding compared to traditional teaching methods. Additionally, in the organic dimension, comprehensive models demonstrated significant improvements in skill execution, while in the affective dimension, they fostered positive outcomes related to motivation and enjoyment. However, the link between affective, organic and relational dimensions with game understanding process and decision-making improvement in net sports remains unexplored.
Keywords: TGfU. Game Sense. Tactical Games Approach. Teaching. Internal Logic. Motor Praxiology. Motor Conduct. Motor Action Theory.
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