Leisure, Work, and Study Among University Students, an Approach From a Colombian Perspective
Leisure, education, work, studentAbstract
The dynamics and demands of contemporary society require increasingly tight adjustments concerning time, space, and human relationships. Maintaining a healthy balance among work, education, and leisure is necessary and challenging. In this scenario, distance education and information and communication technologies offer university-level training opportunities for those working in various contexts. In addition to time management challenges, finding leisure spaces that promote well-being presents another challenge. In this context, this study aimed to analyze the implications of simultaneously working and studying in leisure spaces and times, particularly focusing on students pursuing education through a distance-learning modality at the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios-UNIMINUTO at a national level in Colombia. Methodologically, the study adopted a mixed research approach, utilizing a sequential explanatory design. Data were collected through questionnaires and the focus group technique. The analysis was based on categories such as serious leisure, casual leisure, digital leisure, and satisfaction with leisure. The quantitative component constituted a sample size of 455 students. The results revealed the characteristics of the leisure spaces within this population and the level of satisfaction with the limited leisure times and spaces available, given the peculiarity of working and studying concurrently. This satisfaction, whether derived from serious, casual, or digital leisure activities, correlated with the achieved well-being on personal and familial dimensions.
Keywords: Leisure, education, work, student
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