Health-based physical education model. A systematic review according to PRISMA guidelines
pedagogical models, physical education, health, school years, sportAbstract
Health has always been a special subject of interest to humanity. Looking for an effective way to integrate it into the classroom, the pedagogical model of physical education based-health has emerged. The objective of this study has been to carry out a systematic review of all the scientific literature of the model since Haerens et al laid its foundations in 2011, both purely theoretical and empirical studies, from first grade to last year of high school (6-18 years). The methodology followed has been based on the Prisma method, looking for the terms 'health-based physical education' AND 'pedagogical model' and 'educación física relacionada con la salud’ AND 'modelo pedagógico' in the main databases (Web of Science, Scopus and Dialnet) between 2011-2023. The scientific evidence of the pedagogical model of health-based physical education has shown positive effects such as increased motivation, greater physical knowledge, better critical analysis of physical activity, greater autonomy and a transfer of learning outside the classroom. We believe that more empirical studies are needed, as well as the development and validation of a tool to verify its effects.
Keywords: pedagogical models, physical education, health, school years, sport.
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