Self-made material in physical education: teacher profile, teaching strategies, and resources promoted during the pandemic


  • Antonio Méndez-Giménez Universidad de Oviedo



pedagogical model, recycling, COVID-19, sustainable development.


Self-made material has played a relevant role during the pandemic as a resource and methodology in physical education (PE). However, little is known about how teachers implemented the self-made material model (SMM) in this context and what specific resources they promoted among their students. The objectives were threefold: a) characterize the profile of PE teachers who used these self-made materials during the pandemic, b) understand the strategies and approaches used by teachers in implementing the SMM, and c) identify the self-made materials promoted by teachers. A quantitative, cross-sectional, and descriptive research methodology was employed, using a non-probabilistic "snowball" sampling technique. An ad hoc questionnaire was designed, consisting of demographic, professional, and methodology-related variables. A total of 761 (335 females, 44.1%) in service PE teachers participated (M = 41.84, SD = 9.25) from all educational stages, coming from 19 Ibero-American countries. Descriptive statistics were obtained. The teachers reported limited, specific training, ranging from no to moderate experience. They relied on live explanations and internet video tutorials to provide information. They mainly used self-made material during the lockdown and promoted a wide range of self-made resources. The most common ones were balls, flying rings/hoops, and paddle rackets. Didactic implications are provided for both extreme situations and the post-pandemic educational context of normality.

Key words: pedagogical model, recycling, COVID-19, sustainable development.

Author Biography

Antonio Méndez-Giménez , Universidad de Oviedo

Departamento Ciencias de la Educación


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How to Cite

Méndez-Giménez, A. (2023). Self-made material in physical education: teacher profile, teaching strategies, and resources promoted during the pandemic. Retos, 50, 976–986.



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