Is the demand in the game the same for all teams? Analysis of the 2021-22 Bundesliga season


  • Iago Anon
  • Alcides José Scaglia Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Aplicadas (FCA) - Campus Limeira.
  • João Claudio Braga Pereira Machado Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Faculdade de Educação Física e Fisioterapia.
  • Mariana Calabria Lopes Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Departamento de Educação Física.



Game Analysis; Performance; Explanatory Analysis; Football, Game demands.


The objective is to identify the degree of explanation of goal difference for different teams in the 2021-2022 Bundesliga season. A total of 306 matches were collected, with 34 matches per team. Among the ball-related variables, there are 15 simple and 4 composite variables. The data organization was done by team and in the complete competition. Multiple Linear Regression with backward model was applied as a statistical treatment. The set of explanatory variables was selected by identifying the highest adjusted R-squared value and VIF less than 10. The association degrees indicate high values in all scenarios (<0.750), with all teams analyzed individually showing higher values compared to the complete competition. Among the variables identified as explanatory, goals/shots stands out in 95% of the analyses. Shots from inside the box and shots/pass occur in 63% of the analyses, while opponent's block/shot (53%) and goalkeeper's save (47%) are the highlights in defensive actions. It is concluded that the set of explanatory variables is specific to each club, indicating their uniqueness in the game demands faced by the teams. The need for a specific game analysis for each team is also emphasized in order to better characterize the game demands.

Keywords: Game Analysis; Performance; Explanatory Analysis; Football, Game demands.


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How to Cite

Anon, I., Scaglia, A. J. ., Braga Pereira Machado, J. C. ., & Calabria Lopes , M. (2024). Is the demand in the game the same for all teams? Analysis of the 2021-22 Bundesliga season. Retos, 51, 275–284.



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