Activation and internalization of business values through sport: use and abuse of sport in the company and social action


  • Antonio Santos Ortega



sport, activation, disadvantaged group, self-help, company


The place of sport as a tool for educational intervention in the field of social policy has gained in importance over the last twenty years. The starting hypothesis is that sport is being used as a means of activation and, therefore, is linked to activation policies that have been addressed to groups with social integration difficulties. The aim of this article is to analyse critically the functions of these uses of sport. In order to advance in this analysis, three cases of social programmes and business initiatives are selected in which sport is instrumentalised with these activating and productive purposes in these groups of a subjectivity based on effort, discipline and personal improvement. For the analysis, documents produced by the entities that organize these programs are used.


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How to Cite

Santos Ortega, A. (2019). Activation and internalization of business values through sport: use and abuse of sport in the company and social action. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 28(3).