The Polysemic Development from Latin to Romance of gausapātus ‘covered with a fine hair’
Rural metaphors, baby mammals, lexicalisation, suffixation, proto-RomanceAbstract
Like gausăpa ‘a woollen material, shaggy on one side’, the adjective gausapatus ‘covered with fine hair’ does not seem to have survived through to the Romance languages, or so it seems from the fact that Latinists and Romanists have remained silent on the matter for centuries. However, evidence from Petronius and perhaps from Seneca are enough for us to suspect its transformation into Sp. gabato ‘young of the deer, the hare and the wild boar (jabato)’ and to suggest that the *-attvM suffix is a morphologisation of the two final syllables: lvp(vM *gavsap)attvM > It. lupatto. This form is documented in the central and western areas of the Roman Empire in particular, making it Proto-Romance in nature. The metaphorical use of both the Latin adjective and the noun in rural areas saved them from having met their end in Antiquity.
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