Migration stress and subjective well-being in unaccompanied migrant children





Unaccompanied migrant children, subjective well-being, immigrant stress, child welfare system


Unaccompanied migrant children (UMC) represent a group that shares the status of an irregular migrant and a minor and who are exposed to multiple stressors that interfere with their integration in the host country. In addition, their arrival in waves generates enormous pressure on the Child Protection System (CPS), which is often forced to focus on covering the most basic needs and cannot meet other equally important needs. This study aims to determine the levels of well-being and migratory stress suffered by UMC, as well as the factors that affect these two variables. Forty-four UMS completed the Personal Well- Being Index (PWI) and the Barcelona Immigration Stress Scale (BISS). The results indicate that UMC suffer from migratory stress, especially intercultural general stress, and their levels of well-being are lower than those of other adolescents. The results show that the two variables are closely related, as high levels of stress are associated with a decrease in well-being. Variables such as the family’s situation, length of stay, having proper documentation and training are essential for improving well-being and reducing migratory stress. These results are interpreted and discussed regarding previous research in this field and proposals for intervention with this group.


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Author Biographies

Eduardo Acosta , Universidad de La Laguna

Es graduado en Pedagogía y Máster en Intervención y Mediación Familiar, Social y Comunitaria por la Universidad de La Laguna. A nivel laboral ha ejercido como coordinador de centros de atención a jóvenes migrantes no acompañados en la isla de Tenerife, Canarias.

Eduardo Martín , Universidad de La Laguna

Es Profesor Titular de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación en la Universidad de La Laguna. En los últimos 17 años su principal línea de investigación se ha centrado en los jóvenes tutelados y extutelados y en el acogimiento residencial como medida de protección. Ha participado en varios proyectos competitivos y en múltiples contratos de investigación sobre esta temática, siendo IP en varios de ellos.


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