Dynamisation of a theatrical performance with secondary school students to prevent micro-chauvinism violence





Theatre, vocational training, secondary education, gender equality, comunicative competence


This work use a qualitative methodology based on a case study, and it arises from the data obtained from the dynamisation carried out by a group of 45 Vocational Training (VET) students with an audience of secondary school students (ESO) after the presentations of a theatrical performance. The aim of these activities was to facilitate cognitive distancing and the recovery of the tacit knowledge that the audience brought with them about the social constructions of gender and, specifically, situations of violence. In this context, some samples of the contributions made by different groups of secondary school students have been des­cribed and analysed in order to present alternatives for improving the content of the theatri­cal performance. The results have allowed us to conclude a) that the particular characteristics of the theatrical performance and the dynamisation allow young people to see themselves re­presented and challenged with respect to micro-chauvinism violence; b) that the possibilities offered by the theatrical space itself as a laboratory of citizen creation broaden the specta­torial and/or communicative competences of adolescents from a critical gender perspective; and c) that the professional competences of the VET students increase in the dynamisation experience, as an internship, by transferring knowledge linked to equality and education with a gender perspective that they will later develop in their working life.


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Author Biographies

Yasna Pradena-García, Universidad de Valladolid

Postdoctoral researcher, by the Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León and the European Social Fund, at the University of Valladolid, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Department of Pedagogy. PhD from the University of Valladolid within the Doctoral Programme in Transdisciplinary Research in Education researching in the line of Applied Theatre for the prevention of violence and the promotion of gender equality in the educational field. Member of the Recognised Research Group (GIR) Citizenship, Ecologies of Learning and Expanded Education (CEAEX).

Rocío Anguita-Martínez, Universidad de Valladolid

Lecturer in the Department of Pedagogy. Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Valladolid. Director of the Recognised Research Group (GIR) CEAEX (Citizenship, Ecologies of Learning and Expanded Education).
My research work has been developed throughout this time, with the participation in the context of 29 projects obtained uninterruptedly from 1990 to the present in competitive calls: 3 European, 19 and 9 regional. Of these, I have led two national projects and four regional projects as principal investigator. I have published more than 30 articles in indexed journals related to the fields of education and ICTs, as well as 5 books, 12 book chapters and 20 contributions in national and international proceedings.
I have supervised and co-directed 13 doctoral theses since 2000, developed within the doctoral programme of the Department of Pedagogy and related to the three lines of work of my curriculum. I am currently coordinating a PhD programme in Transdisciplinary Research in Education at the University of Valladolid.

Eduardo Fernández-Rodríguez, Universidad de Valladolid

University Lecturer in the Department of Pedagogy. Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Valladolid. Member of the Recognised Research Group (GIR) CEAEX (Citizenship, Ecologies of Learning and Expanded Education).
As a result of my research activity, I have developed works of different nature in national and international indexed journals with the participation in the context of 8 projects obtained in competitive calls: 8 national and 2 regional, with the publication of 30 articles in indexed journals related to the fields of curriculum, political analysis of educational discourses, teacher training, education and media literacy, education and tics, critical pedagogies, in addition to 4 book chapters and 10 contributions in proceedings and books of national and international proceedings.
I have supervised 3 doctoral theses since 2008, developed within the doctoral programme of the Department of Pedagogy and related to the lines of work of my curriculum.


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