Intention of participating in e-learning university programs for senior citizens
Profile identification using segmentation analysis
University Programmes for Older Adults (PUM), Old age, digital technology, Classification trees, Segmentation analysis, hierarchical segmentationAbstract
The University Programmes for Older Adults (PUM) provide organised spaces for training, interaction and social relations. The international emergency situation caused by the COVID19 pandemic has meant the almost total closure of this type of programme, limiting contact and personal relations in face-to-face conditions. This situation, together with a powerful and increasingly accessible technological scenario, leads to the assessment of new areas of online training and learning, also for older people This study aims to explore the intention to participate in a university programme for older people in an online format. This intention can be predicted on the basis of certain socio-demographic and contextual factors or variables. A total of 1633 older adults with an average age of 68.2 years participated in the study, all of them attending 17 PUM sites in the Community of Castilla y León. The non-parametric technique of classification trees was used to process the data. Three criterion variables were considered (<<Intention to participate in e-PUM>>, <<Attitude towards TD>>; <<Frequency of technological use>>, around which profiles of subjects are configured according to a series of individual sociodemographic, psychographic and behavioural characteristics, all of them considered as predictor variables. The results offer keys to understanding why the elderly accept (or do not accept) this form of participation, identifying profiles or traits that characterise each of the profiles or subgroups of subjects with a greater or lesser predisposition to this type of socio-educational participation, which can serve as a basis for making social and/or educational policy decisions.
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