Children’s participatory scenarios.

Opportunities for co-production in municipalities




inclusion; governance; citizen participation; children; participatory scenarios


The new governance frameworks require an inclusive citizenship from which to conceptualise and plan local participation. In the case of children and adolescents, citizen participation is developed in scenarios promoted at the institutional level or by themselves as an organised collective. These scenarios favour co-production processes through actions that have an impact on the municipal policy. On the one hand, this paper seeks to explore the density of participation scenarios that exist in municipalities, as well as the variables that define the existence of mono-scenarios and multi-scenarios. On the other hand, it aims to characterise the three scenarios of childhood and adolescent participation for municipal co-production. An exploratory and descriptive study was carried out using two-stage cluster sampling. For the collection of information, a self-administered online survey was carried out with 176 municipal technical personnel. Quantitative data were analysed using SPSS V. 25 statistical software, and textual data were analysed using a combination of two techniques: multidimensional analysis using Iramuteq software and content analysis. The results show that those municipalities with the highest density of participatory scenarios are more densely populated, have a longer history of participatory policies and/or greater technical dedication, the dominant scenario being the municipal body. The predominant form of participation in the three scenarios is consultative, followed by projective, with the actions that characterise each scenario being identified. The conclusions show the need to amplify the number of scenarios that coexist and contribute, and that in these scenarios, five levels of children's co-production are established: awareness-raising and sensitisation; promotion and defence; diagnostic; organisational; and strategic or macro-political.


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Author Biographies

Ana María Novella Cámara, Profesora Agregada, Universidad de Barcelona

Ana María Novella Cámara. Associate Professor in the Department of Theory and History of Education at the University of Barcelona. PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences (Educational Sciences) from the University of Barcelona. Member of the consolidated research group "Grupo de Investigación en Educación Moral" (GREM) in which she coordinates the line "Participación ciudadana". Her lines of research and publications are linked to: "Citizenship, participation and socio-educational fields", "Governance, childhood and citizen participation bodies", "Education in values, participatory methodologies and co-production", "Social education, Socio-cultural animation and professional identity", "Higher education, service learning, co-design". She is currently CoIP of the project (RTI2018-098821-B-I00). Member of the Sociedad Iberoamericana de Pedagogía Social (SPIS) and of the Coordinadora por la Animación Sociocultural de Cataluña (Casc_Cat).

Tania Mateos Blanco, Profesora Ayudante Doctora, Department of Theory and History and Social Pedagogy. University of Seville

Tania Mateos Blanco. Assistant Professor at the Department of Theory and History and Social Pedagogy of the University of Seville. She holds a PhD in Educational Sciences from the University of Seville and is a member of the research group "Emotional Education and Dramatisation" (HUM-708). Her research activity has been developed in the following lines: "cultural diversity and interculturality", "narrative applied to education", "employability and vocational training", as well as "emotional education".

Ferran Crespo i Torres, Investigador predoctoral, Department of Theory and History of Education. University of Barcelona

Ferran Crespo Torres. Pre-doctoral researcher in training at the Department of Theory and History of Education at the University of Barcelona. Graduate in Environmental Sciences and student of the PhD programme in Education and Society at the University of Barcelona. He is a member of the research group in Moral Education (GREM). His lines of research and publications are linked to: "Environmental education and children's participation" and "Governance, childhood and free time". He participates in the R+D+i project "Childhood and participation. Diagnosis and proposals for an active and inclusive citizenship in the community, institutions and governance (RTI2018-098821-B-I00). 

Aitor López González, Estudiante de doctorado, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)

Aitor López González. Student of the Doctorate Programme in Education in the line of intercultural studies at the National University of Distance Education (UNED). Graduate in Psychology and collaborator of the research group in intercultural education (INTER Group) of the National University of Distance Education (UNED). His professional activity is linked to social mobilisation and citizen participation, while his research activity has been oriented towards Participatory Action Research (PAR) and child and adolescent participation at the local level.


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