Universal prevention. Evaluation of the effects of the universal Spanish strengthening families program in elementary schools and high schools (SFP-U 11-14)





Family education, Strengthening Family, Universal Prevention, Teenagers.


Introduction. To evaluate the process and the results of the validation phase of the Strengthening Families Program-Universal (SFP-U 11-14), evidence-based program applicable in educational contexts (elementary schools and high schools). In the state of the art, the absence of socio-educational work programs with families based on evidence, for universal population, is noted.

Method: Pre-post quasi-experimental design with a control group for the evaluation of the pilot stage of the SFP-U 12-16 validation phase (2018) carried in Balearic Islands and Castilla y León. 16 experimental groups and 17 control groups were established with the participation of 353 fathers and mothers and 289 adolescents. The intervention consisted of 6 sessions. Information was collected with validated questionnaires.

Results. The analysis of the effects on the parents and children confirms the good results obtained. The number of participants was reduced to 305 parents (retention of 86,40%) and to 262 children (retention of 90.66%). Participants showed a high level of satisfaction with different dimensions of the program. Key aspects and areas of improvement for the future of the intervention were identified. Improvements were observed in most of the dimensions evaluated.

Discussion: The results of the validation stage of SFP-U 11-14 indicate that this is a universal socio-educational intervention with relevant effects of parental improvement in fathers and mothers.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Orte, Universitat de les Illes Balears

Catedrática de Pedagogía de la Inadaptación Social del Departamento de Pedagogía y Didácticas Específicas de la Universitat de les Illes Balears. Investigadora Principal del Grupo de Investigación y Formación Educativa y Social (GIFES)

Josep Lluís Oliver, Universitat de les Illes Balears

Profesor Titular del Departamento de Pedagogía y Didácticas Específicas y miembro del Grupo de Investigación y Formación Educativa y Social (GIFES).

Joan Amer, Universitat Illes Balears

Profesor del Departament de Pedagogia i Didàctiques Específiques de la Universitat de les Illes Balears y miembro del Grupo de Investigación y Formación Educativa y Social (GIFES)

Marga Vives, Universitat de les Illes Balears

Profesora del Departamento de Pedagogía y Didácticas Específicas y miembro del Grupo de Investigación y Formación Educativa y Social (GIFES)

Rosario Pozo, Universitat de les Illes Balears

Profesora del Departamento de Pedagogía y Didácticas Específicas y miembro del Grupo de Investigación y Formación Educativa y Social (GIFES)


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